Amalgamated Security Services (Grenada) Limited

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Regional Operations Antigua

Amalgamated Security Services (Antigua) Limited is a wholly owned related company of Amalgamated Security Services Limited.

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Amalgamated Security Services (Antigua) Limited is a wholly owned related company of Amalgamated Security Services Limited. This company provides a complete range of security services in Antigua. The company is approved by Antigua’s Private Investigators and Security Guards Licensing and Advisory Board to operate a Security Guards Agency. At Amalgamated Security Services (Antigua) we consider contract security to be much more than a guard standing watch.


A security officer’s role entails meeting the public in a professional, court-house manner as well as being an official representative for your business or property. In order to deliver the highest level of service for our clients, Amalgamated Security Services (Antigua) Limited requires its employees to undergo rigorous integrity testing and training that withstands the scrutiny of international benchmarking.


We provide a range of security services that include uniformed or non-uniformed guards, undercover security, parking enforcement and all types of patrol services.


Our services remain unrivalled in terms of cost, quality and customer satisfaction.


A distinguished and capable team of managers provides the quality of leadership that meets the highest standards in the security sector while ensuring the level of person-to-person contact with clients. Such management and interpersonal relationships provide our clients with unrivalled security services and satisfaction.


Our quarterly magazine is distributed to all customers. This keeps our customer well informed about security trends and changes in the industry and which are relevant to our customer needs.

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