Amalgamated Security Services (Grenada) Limited

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Access Control Systems

We provide customized access control systems…

Access Control Systems

Access Control Systems

Access control systems play a critical role in maintaining the security of many building and compounds in today’s crime environment by preventing the unauthorized entry by either pedestrian or vehicle traffic. In offices where there are few physical controls on the movement of persons and individuals can move unchallenged through parts of a building or compound, the potential for physical harassment and workplace violence arises plus there is an increased possibility of confidential information loss because individuals (both staff and visitors) can move unchallenged. Access Control systems help reduce these risks at significantly lower costs than placing an individual to control the flow, allowing only authorized access to a particular area or section of a building or complex, but denying access to those who have no need or are not authorized to be there.

There are many variations of access control systems ranging from a simple digital keypad, through to swipe cards and proximity tags up to biometric systems that require fingerprint or retina scans. Systems can be a small access system for a single door up to an access control system that controls multiple buildings across different geographic areas.

Amalgamated Security has the capability to provide customers with customized access control systems that would for example allow the customer to preset which individuals will be allowed access to which buildings and at what day/time periods. Our access control systems can also be structured to allow certain individuals access to only specific doors. These customization features are determined by the customer and controlled by the customer.

Choosing an access control system is an important financial decision for most companies. While cost is an important consideration, the system also needs to match your requirements and be completely reliable. ASSL’s technical staff has the experience and expertise to work with customers to design an access control system that meets their needs and budgets.

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